Thursday, 16 March 2017

Get NZ Writing - Room 26

Get NZ Writing - Room 26 

A few weeks ago our Get NZ Writing activity kit arrived. We were paired with another school in NZ - Ngaio School in Wellington. 

We each completed a postcard with some awesome poetry inspired by the book - If I was a Banana, written by Alexandra Tylee. The postcards fitted together to make the sentence - 'Talk to people who help you see the world differently.'

We also filled out a large poster with interesting things about Havelock North Primary and Room 26.

We have just received Ngaio School Room 10's postcards and poster. It has been great to find out about another class and to share in this fun experience together.

Here are some pictures of our postcards, writing and poster.




Friday, 3 March 2017

Orienteering fun!

This week, Year 6 have been practising our orienteering skills!

Epro8 Masters!

Epro8 Challenge

Congratulations to our four Epro8 teams. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th in today's competition. All top 3 teams will head to the finals.

The EPro8 Challenge is a competition, an engineering and problem solving race.
In 2017 over 8000 students from nearly 700 schools from throughout the New Zealand are taking part.
Teams compete to:
  • build large sized structures
  • solve practical problems
  • engineer using pulleys, motors, gears, wheels and axles
  • invent machines that can complete simple tasks
  • undertake unusual and fun experiments. 
  • construct basic electronic circuits.
  • solve interesting problems using practical maths

Go HNPS!!! If you want to learn more about Epro8 click on the link below!